
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Picture Post

Just wanted to share some happy photos! : )

London Parks


Naples, Florida

Hawaii : )
Galway, Ireland
Homemade grilled pizza...amazing!



cool. facts.

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!  I'm super pumped to have most of the week left.  I have so many awesome things to share with you that my blogging notebook is looking a little backed up. Woops!!  For your curiosity my blogging notebooks look like this:

Of course they are from rifle paper co. : )  
I'm totally using their invitations for my wedding one day!
This is how I keep track of all the flowing thoughts I wouldn't want to forget to share with you. 

This picture was from an awesome 4 mile country run with a best friend in MN & it serves as a reminder to buy new running shoes!  (just dumped my old ones sad and muddy from the hike in Hawaii)

Yes this picture is of a picture of ME! : )  I was in a photo shoot with my University and was recently texted this picture by a friend.  Guess I'm still up on the wall of fame ~ pretty cool I think : ) I'm super duper proud to represent my University. 

Get ready for some awesome Fall tunes.... did you know that the Avett Brothers & Mumford and Sons are both coming out with new albums this fall???   I am beyond psyched to be the first to buy these albums.

So I thought it would be a good idea to go on a spending freeze.  But of course that was a good idea after discovering the great sale Madewell was having : )  Plus there is just something about waiting for a parcel to come in the mail.  I kinda like the fact that online shopping isn't instant gratification.  It's fun and good for the patience to have to wait as the excitement swells up.   While I happened to buy two polka dot tops, I'm noticing that they are really in this fall.  Double. Score!

Well, my iced honey latte has disappeared ~ guess it's time to head to work.  Have an awesome Tuesday!

What running shoes would you highly recommend?  Do you have a favorite fall tune you enjoy jamming to?

Monday, July 30, 2012

2012 Adventures Continued.... in Hawaii



SOOo sorry for sooo many pictures, but really, seriously, would you want me to pick and choose???  I am sparing you the other couple hundred that I could have posted : ) The entire week spent in Maui with my boyfriend and his family was absolutely amazing!  Every day was spent both relaxing & and enjoying the gorgeous outdoors.  We packed in one adventure after the next.  Monday morning we enjoyed our coffee right on the beach ~ how glorious is that???!!! Then I was introduced to POG juice...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-N-E-S-S in a cup!!
The rest of the day was spent on the beach followed by some shopping and dinner at the Hula Grill.

Tuesday we went into downtown Lahaina where some of us went down under 130 feet in a submarine!  It was pretty much the coolest thing EVER!!!  Then we indulged in shaved iced ~ a popular Hawaiian treat.  The lovely evening was concluded by the most amazing Luau!!!  Check out the dancers above : )  We also spent the week hiking through the rain forest, ziplining, swimming, touring the islands via helicopter (yes it made me feel pretty sick : (  but that's okay, it was totally worth it!)  

Other highlights during the trip included meeting Neil Young in Paia (yes, my boyfriend got to shake his hand : )  eating passion fruit gelato, swimming in the reef, eating at THE Cheeseburger in Paradise, watching LOST in Hawaii, collecting sea glass, dropping my sunglasses in the water during our hike in the rain forest & having my boyfriend bring me coffee Every. Single. Morning!  

I'm so blessed!!!

Have you ever been to Hawaii or some place tropical?  If not (or even if so) where else would you go?

Friday, July 27, 2012

A success, I think!

Drumroll Please.....

Well, I think it is safe to say that breakfast was a success!!!  Pretty darn close to what my boyfriend had in Hawaii.  Trader Joes is pretty much the best place ever to find all the ingredients you'll need to make this one.  You might come off of this breakfast on a sugar high, so don't forget the double shot cappuccino afterwards : ) he, he!!

Can I just say that I'm super pumped about the opening of the olympics this evening! Happy watching!  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hawaiian Inspired Breakfast : )

I CAN NOT wait for breakfast tomorrow!!! I'm going to attempt making some homemade......french toast topped with bananas, sugared macadamia nuts, cinnamon, whipped cream & real maple syrup!  My boyfriend tried this for breakfast lunch right after our helicopter ride.  Need I also say that we also met Neil Young right afterwards!!!!!!  Yes, that's right.  He stopped in at the very same gelato shop that we did and my boyfriend asked to shake his hand.  Pretty cool day!!

2012 Adventures!

 The first half of this year has taught me that I simply LOVE to travel!!!

I've learned to:
It's only half way through 2012 and I've already gone on 4 major trips!!!  Who knows how many more  are down the runway  road???   Back in March I took the leap of faith and went on a Mission trip down to Haiti.  It was one of the most unique & incredible experiences ever!  Going with other Church members created a special bond between us through the unforgettable moments spent together with some of the most impoverished people in the world.  This was the type of trip that changes ones life forever, seriously!
The little children's day care for children taken out of the orphanage.   The sweetest little ones EVER!

 Composting with the children ~ one of their daily chores at the school
 These beautiful girls had amazing voices and were singing songs for us!

These few days spent at Louverture Cleary School in the slums of Haiti were beyond eye opening.   It  made me personally aware of those living in other parts of the world through a palpable experience.  On returning to my own bed, I was ever more grateful for the simple things in life like hot water and flushing toilets.   It's trips like these that remind me to:

Following shortly . . .  I road tripped it down to Florida for my Brother's graduation from college.
Way to go Bro ~ Super proud of you!!
 So needless to say..........a few of my recent mottos are....

And that's just what I did when I went to visit one of my best friends in Minnesota during early July! I arrived just in time for their big 4th of July BASH!!!

~ Best friends for LIFE ~

Sangrias and Yumminess Dessert Pizza!
.....and we played way to many games of Dominion : )                 
I was spoiled by the kindest hospitality all week long!

If you ever get the chance to see 39 steps, DO. IT.

Lastly, just this past week I went on an amazing trip with my sweet boyfriend and his family!  Oh yes, you're probably wondering where to????  This last trip was to Maui, Hawaii : )
Charles & I right before the Sunset Dinner Cruise with his wonderful family!

Okay, more stories and pictures to come from my trip to Hawaii.  It is a story in and of itself!!!

Where have you traveled to recently?  Where would your next adventure take you?
Until further travels, night peeps!