
Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Sunday Currently, vol. 8

 Rejoicing  in my mother.  I love and appreciation my beautiful mother very much!!!   

 Smelling   the wonderful fragrance of fresh flowers.

 Wishing    that a shopping spree to Nordstrom would fall in my lap, horrible, I know.  But they have all the high quality basics, amazing customer service and really cute things!!! 1st rule of thumb, don't walk through their doors, don't do it!

 Hoping   that Becca from Bec's Little Black Blog forgives me.  I talked her into the Sunday Currently last week and never followed through with mine, epic fail.  I'm happy she has joined the Sunday Currently!!!  

  Listening   to "Here's to never growing up" (clean version) by Avril Lavigne.  This is a great pump it up running song.

 Sipping  pomegranate energizing tea. 

 Loving   Charles!!!  

  Wanting    a few hours for curling up with a blanket, cut of tea and some empty note cards to write some long overdue letters.

 Needing   to spend an afternoon on a blanket outside, under the sun. 

 Feeling   happy about the photo above = a special and much needed morning date with my man.

 Wearing   my grey Nike sweatshirt, Danskin leggings and warm socks!  I'm not always the biggest fan of the change in seasons and putting together outfits.  I can never remember what I have tucked away in the rubbermaids from last year.  Going through the what fits, what doesn't, why did I ever even like that shirt in the first place??? 

Linking up with Lauren for The Sunday Currently!  

Friday, May 10, 2013


Happy Friday, Chicas!
Here are some things I've been grateful for lately:

The gorgeous beauty of Spring, especially in fresh blooms like these.

Realizing how other people's thoughtfulness makes me want to be more thoughtful.  It's in the kind gestures, the little notes, going out of ones way to do something nice.  A good life lesson.

For the best time of the day when my man gets out of work and we see each other and simply hug one another. 

I'm grateful for long e-mails back and forth with my grandmother.  She has created so many fond memories in my life and I think we are secretly twins deep down inside.   I love when my mother says to me, "you are just like your grandmother!"  Yes, I take pride in this =)  I love my Grandmother very much!!!

For slow mornings and sleeping in.  Ahhhh I love my sleep, and naps, and going to bed early!

Having the youthfulness and mobility needed to get around and live actively.  I don't look forward to getting old and losing my ability of doing certain things. 

For note cards that come in packages of 50 from Target, these come in handy often!

Of course I'm also grateful for Fridays when Charles doesn't have to go to work until the afternoon.  This gives us extra time to spend together and I'm really grateful for that.

Happy Friday =)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How I feel about many things

Granted it probably doesn't help that I'm trying to ween myself off of coffee right now and so it's put me in a little bit of a grumpy mood, but this is how I feel about many things:
This picture via a beautiful mess inspires me!
It's orderly, simple, cute & clean = all things I love.

It's a little pet peeve of mine when things aren't put back where they belong.  

When bathrooms are messy, cluttered and things aren't put away every morning.  I prefer when things are behind drawers and cupboards or organized neatly in baskets and closets.  Speaking of bathrooms, I get grossed out when people don't put the new roll of toilet paper on the toilet paper holder.  Really, how hard is it to replace the roll??  Heaven forbid I should ever find it on the floor.  

I love stocking up and buying things in bulk, when I can.  I'm not a fan of buying in small quantities week by week.  I'm more the type to get things over with.  Anything to make life easier in the long run!

Cleaning out my purse on a pretty regular basis is a must.  I love an organized purse.  Helps keep my mind organized on the go.

Checking things off my mile long check list is the best feeling ever!!!!  It bugs me when things sit on that list for too long.

Paperwork, eww that dreaded thing called paperwork.  It's the best when I have an afternoon where I can purge through all the paperwork sitting around.  

Taking a shower without exfoliating is not a complete shower in my book.  I feel naked and incomplete until my makeup is on!  This one is huge, if my hair is done and makeup is on, then the day has a much more put-together feel.  It's the small things, folks! =)  It puts me in a positive mood.

I have an aversion to suntan lotion being on any part of my skin.  It's pure penance having to lather up someone else's back.  For the record, I wear sunscreen maybe once every year, if that.  So. many. chemicals.  

Sinks full of dishes simply overwhelm me and green rubber gloves are my best friend.

I can't stand when projects aren't finished. I get a ridiculous high off of completing all sorts of projects or jobs.  Doing a job 95% of the way drives me crazy because I'm more the type that likes to see things through 110% of the way!!!  It's in the details and yes, they matter, at least to me that is.  While some projects, chores or errands may seem mundane, I like to bite the bullet and get things over with.  As Charles says, just rip the band-aid off and be done!!!  Reason #345 why I love this man.   We both prefer to stock up and buy in bulk.  Let's hope this continues on into when we will be buying diapers and dipewipes and even more laundry detergent. =)

Staying focused is a really difficult thing for me, especially lately with all the wedding planning happening around here.  Thank goodness men tend to be more level headed about these things.

I can't stand when people leave messes behind them, especially when they cook or leave the bathroom in the morning.

Not to sound extreme, but it's true, It drives me through the roof when things are broken and they just sit there.  Either fix it or throw it out, immediately! Never let it sit there, just take care of it.  Laziness isn't something to be admired.

Not having the proper tools to do a job puts me in a tizzy.  I also love being well stocked around the house,  because then I don't run into as many binds, only to run out and buy one item. dumb. 

Really people, how hard it is to wrap the cheese tightly before putting it back in the fridge???
It's not that hard, and cheese is expensive.

Sorry for the little BIG list of pet peeves, but this is me on no coffee for three days and I had to get these thoughts off my chest.
Yes, I feel better now =) 
Plus, I'm sure we can all relate on a thing or two!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

I'm not a fan of the library

Yep, I come from a big family, eight siblings to be exact!
Some days this can seem like quite a few, other days, not so much.  It just depends which siblings are around at any given time. =)
Boy this picture really makes me want to take a trip to Florida!!!
This picture is from two years ago when I graduated from school and it was a blessing to have most of my family there for the occasion.

As there are 10 of us all together, the house is never lonely or without noise of some sort.
I do think that coming from a large family had a bit of an impact on why I don't like libraries.  I'm just not a fan of libraries in general because I can't stand studying in an eerie, quiet and creepy building filled with books.  How awful, right?!?!  I will admit though that of all the libraries I've been in, my college library was by far my favorite.  Being in Florida, it was open, airy, cheerful and filled with friends.  While I enjoy peace and silence,  I was simply used to working with noise in the back round. So during those college years I  preferred my quiet college dorm room with no distractions, or a coffee house, or the 24 hr. study room, to a quiet library.  I was just telling Charles yesterday that it will be soooo strange to be married and living in a quiet household.  He says, "I guess we'll have to change that right away then" =)

I know I'm leaving many of you judging me right now for not liking libraries, but that's just how it is.
Are you a fan of the library?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Slowing down and enjoying life!

Life, it can be pretty busy and fast-paced sometimes, which is more like most times around here.

This week in particular I've been trying to slow myself down so that I can make a conscious effort to enjoy and appreciate the simple day to day activities that can so easily get pushed aside or glossed over. 

Some things I've done and would recommend trying:

Make that effort to park the car and (in a relaxed state :) stroll into the coffee house to pick up your coffee instead of whizzing through a drive through while sifting through incoming e-mails.  Human interaction with a barista is much more invigorating and gives your morning a brighter start to the day.

Exercise, make it happen.  I know, I definitely don't have a leg to stand on in regards to this one right now.  I've been out of a routine for so long, it's difficult to get the ball rolling again.  As unmotivated as I was today to lace up those shoes and grab my earphones, even a short jog made me feel better about the day.  Was it easy?  Definitely not!!!  Is it a start?  I think so!!!

This week we have been having some pretty indecisive weather.  One day it's 85 degrees and sunny while the next it's 55 degrees and stormy.  But heck, when you get that 85 degree day, take advantage of it.  Having nowhere to be and lots to do, I dropped everything and laid under the sunshine on a huge trampoline for 40 min.  A gentle breeze and relaxing tunes....I soaked up every minute of it and it felt great!  Carefree timelessness, it's so important.

Make a random trip into a super market and look around for some yummy and healthy snack foods that would pair nicely together.  I came up with salted almonds, raspberries, a fruit and nuts mix, mini bars of hazelnut chocolate, woodchuck cider and the ingredients for gin and tonics.  Excited to return home with bags of goodies, I was even more excited to share them with a friend who was coming over to talk and share her wedding photos with me.  My suggestion, pick a friend, find some good food and have a great time!!!

Then of course the picture above.  Pick up or make some tea, then climb into bed and read a good book or magazine.  I was in the middle of doing this when a dear friend from college called in.  It was super relaxing and definitely fun catching up with her while I was relaxing in bed and sipping on tea =)

Life is too short and passes us by so quickly.  Remember to stop and smell the flowers.
Look up and appreciate the stars.  Say "hello" to those passing you by.
Slow down and enjoy life!

Happy Friday, Chicas!
Enjoy your weekend.
I'm off to a Friday morning date with my fiance =) 


Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Joys of Wedding Planning

Here is a quick little run through of our wedding prep from over the past few weeks. 
 Unlike how wedding planning is traditionally done, we had a little jump start on our wedding plans even before Charles and I got engaged.  Knowing that we wanted to get married and Fall being our favorite season, we were already at the 7 month crunch time.
Flash forward a few weeks and wow....
Can I just say that October is less than 6 months away folks!!!
Sorry if that just made you hate me as you're thinking, "whoa, slow down girl, summer isn't even here yet,  so just let me enjoy spring a little!!!"
Don't worry, I'm loving spring around here too.
But with where we were at, we knew we needed a little running start on things.
I'd say that having all nine bridesmaids (call me crazy, I call it fun) our Church, reception hall, our photo shoot, save the dates, my dress, a photographer, our wedding website and marriage prep classes scheduled is a pretty good start with many more exciting details to follow!!!
And this guy right here is great at wedding planning and a communication pro!!! 
Not to repeat myself, but time and again he makes my job much easier as he lightens the load on my shoulders by always being willing to help out at every turn. What a guy!
Yes ~ Lattes have played a large role in wedding prep work =)

Getting some great ideas from a few key magazines.
Taking some notes here and there.
Studying and learning from the pros who do this all the time!
Just learning how to take an idea and recreate it, it's much harder than it sounds.
The beginning stages of wedding registries.  Very fun, but also a bit overwhelming.
One fact you might not know about me ~ I can't stand clutter and I would rather have a few nice things that I LOVE rather than a bunch of things that I'll never use.  I still know there are many basic things I'll be very grateful to have...."oh, hello there garlic press, say "hello" to the salad spinner!" Yeah, those kinds of things are very useful I know!!!
Always, always staying organized.  It's the only way my head stays on straight!!!
Keeping everything contained in once place is the best.
Then taking breaks to enjoy an afternoon eating outdoors with family and friends puts balance back in a crazy weekly routine.
Slowing down the mind and soaking up some sunshine with this chica was an extra blessing during the very first days of being engaged to Charles.  
Nothing like girl time for being able to enjoy different types of conversations and aspects of life.
Beautiful reminders of LOVE!!!
A gorgeous bouquet from Charles and also one from his father.  
I see where my man gets his romance from =)
A celebratory engagement dinner with both sets of parents, my brother and a dear friend. 
The ladies at Charlie's work are soooo sweet and fun!!!
I love how happy they are for him and for us.

Working on our wedding website!
Lots and lots of exciting mail. And the crafty person inside of me starts to come out =)
If there were ever a time for really appreciating my love of lists, it's now!!!
That was April's, now moving on to May!
Our save the dates came in a while back, can't wait to start sending these out!
The little bonus that comes with wedding registries =)  Love, love, love pottery barn!
And those are the joys of wedding planning so far!!!
Just last night Charles and I had a wonderful skype session with our wedding photographers.
They are an adorable married couple!!!  She is from Milwaukee and he is from Australia
and we can't wait to meet them in person.
Thank you Jesus for helping us and bringing all of these details so perfectly together!
We couldn't possibly have planned any of this to go as well as it has.

Also, thank you my lovely readers for all your love, support and for putting up with the word "wedding" 
sooo many times =)
We love sharing our joy with all of you!!!
