
Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Sunday Currently, vol. 9

 Thinking  that Sundays are the best day of the week to simply catch up on life, relax and enjoy the gorgeously cool day of 65 degrees with my fiance!  Thanks for encouraging me to blog today =)

 Reading   wedding books and magazines.  There are so many helpful tips and great etiquette lessons out there...  Only 69 more days to go!!!  Whoop, whoop, I cannot wait.

 Rejoicing  in the fact that we just purchased our tickets for our honeymoon this week and that by itself, feels amazing!!!   All our major wedding plans are pretty much taken care of, just the final details to go.  I can't believe how fast time is flying by; a wonderful reality is starting to sink in.

 Smelling   fresh cold air coming through the window.

  Anticipating    this fall when I will actually have time to cook for my then hubby!!!  I'm looking at some of our new pots and pans and getting all giddy inside at the idea of cooking stews and chile.  

 Hoping   that this cool weather will stay. I'm loving every minute of it.  

  Listening   to the Ben Howard pandora station.

 Sipping  a chai tea latte from Starbucks.  It's been cozy company on this chilly, almost fall like day! 

 Loving   Every single Sunday spent with my fiance!!!  They are wonderfully sweet days spent  together. 

  Wanting    to fit so much more into this still early Sunday.  Maybe a walk outdoors, a little organization, a second cup of coffee, a little wedding work, one more blog post.

 Needing   to wrap up some more wedding goals before going to the cabin in Wisconsin next week.  I cannot wait to see  this chica in less than two weeks!

 Feeling   happier and more energized since losing a whole 8 lbs!!!!!
 almost to my wedding goal =) Maybe I should start running again?!?!  I really don't want to, but I should, at least to clear my brain.

 Wearing   my zella workout pants and a light blue zip up jacket.

Linking up with Lauren for The Sunday Currently!  