I can't wait to take my little girl back to Serpentine's Kitchen in London on a cool and breezy Fall day!
But for right now, we are enjoying week 32 of being pregnant. This morning my hubby had his hand on my belly for the longest time while he was still half asleep. He was awake enough to giggle as our little girl kept kicking up a storm. Charles said, "oh boy, we are in trouble....if she is that active now, we are in for it, she is literally playing patty cake with me!" These are the moments I'm really going to miss about being pregnant. Even as I type, she feels like she is in there doing flips and somersaults!!!
As much as I can't wait to meet this baby girl, I'm thoroughly enjoying being pregnant. I'm trying every day to appreciate being a first time mom. This is the only time I can really enjoy being pregnant without chasing other children around the house. Plus, nap time will never be this easy again! :)
In case you want to stick around and read some more.......
Here's 5 for Friday:
1. I love supporting small etsy business owners such as Jen Loves Kev. I bought a necklace from her recently and when it arrived yesterday, I fell in love with it!!! Definitely a fun and unique necklace. Here are some pictures of Taza wearing a similar necklace to mine!
2. Nesting is in full swing these days.....
24 rolls of paper towels, 280 capsules of delicious survival espresso, bottles and bottles of contact solution, gallons of laundry detergent, scrubbing under sinks, getting the car washed and I'm getting ready to hold up with little babe. Actually, we won't be holding up inside because we plan on being out and about in the gorgeous Fall weather together, but being in the store shopping is the last thing I want to waste time on when the little one is here!
3. Can't wait to finally find a new fridge this weekend!!! You don't realize how much you appreciate having something as practical as a fridge till it's been gone for a few weeks. Fridge hunting isn't as exciting as stroller hunting, but it will be great to get this errand done!
4. Can't wait to share an exciting little giveaway with all of you next week!!! Come back later to find out more. =)
5. Also, looking forward to the painter coming tomorrow to tackle our big upstairs hallway with the dangerously tall ceilings! Still going back and forth on the color though.....should I stay with the neutral color we have throughout our entire downstairs or be brave and pick a soft pop of color for the hallway?!?!?! I hate making these kinds of decisions!!!! Can you tell, because it's kinda last minute?!?!
Some one help me!!!
Enough from my home front, how is your Friday so far????
Linking up with these lovely ladies: