Reading nothing currently. I know, isn't that sad?!?!
Writing a letter to my very first roommate in college. We stayed roommates for the remaining two years of her college experience and are still best of friends, even if distance keeps us apart. I'm brunette and she is blonde, I'm a morning person and she is not, but we were both 5'2" and almost weighed the same. Can I say that we were thrilled with this because that meant more clothes for both of us!!!! That's right, our wardrobes became fair game =) We even swapped clothes and bags over the summer! Now she is married and has a beautiful baby.
Anticipating Spring! Need I say more????
Thinking that a stack of clean gym socks is a great way to start the week =) When I say "stack" that really means 4-5 nice pairs. With so few pairs they have to match and stay together. Yes I sometimes even wash them in my lingerie bag because I HATE when I lose my expensive really soft gym socks!!! Gym socks matter people, it's silly I know =)
Rejoicing over a fun and successful surprise birthday party for Charles!!!
Smelling the last little bit of my "Close" scented hand cream from The Soap and Paper Factory.
Hoping to learn one new dinner recipe before February is over. This ties in with a personal bucket list that I'm already filling.
Sipping a rosabaya cappuccino. =) Nespresso, you make me happy!
Loving the above quote! I have to remind myself of this all the time when I get too caught up in all the pleasures and pretty things of this world. We tend to put so much focus and energy on how things look in the world and completely miss the purpose of why we are here.
Needing one whole day to unplug and leave my phone and computer locked up. Out of sight, out of mind.
Feeling very grateful for the time in Lent when one can take a step back and refocus, striving to build a better prayer life and conquer bad habits.
Watching nothing lately and it's been nice. =) Oh wait, I take that back. I just watched Anna Karenina for the first time!
Linking up to Lauren's Sunday Currently.