
Thursday, August 2, 2012

P.S. Parcel

How could I have forgotten to mention that patience has paid off and a few parcels have arrived!

Dear Espresso, you're the BEST because as we know, of all first things first, coffee is an essential in my life  : )  I'm a huge fan of Nespresso as it is easy, quick, mess free, way cheaper than Starbucks (although I do enjoy going out and having someone else make my coffee from time to time) and it tastes Oh So Good.  Sooo, being first on the list, I made sure to stock up on Nespresso capsules for the rest of the summer.  My favorite summer drink lately has been an Iced Honey Latte... Yum.  Can't go wrong with honey from Maui.

Dear Madewell  I was thrilled with everything in your box!  Usually this doesn't happen....either the size is wrong or the article of clothing looks nothing like what you picked out online.  But this time was a triple score.  Not planning or realizing that I was going with a trend, I figured out post parcel that Polka Dots are in!  Yay for cute colors and fun polka dots.

Dear Dominion, aren't you glad that we have friends who introduced you to me?  You have been the best game ever since I learned how to play you over New Years.  I'm extra happy that the Seaside edition just arrived yesterday and I can't wait to teach my boyfriend how to play!

Gotta love a little green

Sparkles & Polka Dots

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